Comprehensive Guide to TOEFL iBT New Changes Coming in July 2023: How to Prepare and Excel

Are you a TOEFL iBT test-taker planning to take the exam in the latter half of 2023? We have exciting news just for you, straight from the official TOEFL exam center, ETS! Brace yourself for some significant changes to the TOEFL Test Format, scheduled to kick in on July 26, 2023, following their recent announcement on April 11, 2023.

But hold on, you must be wondering what exactly these changes entail and how they might affect your test experience. Fear not! We’re here to guide you through the four major updates, highlighting what remains unchanged, and equipping you with valuable tips to excel in the new TOEFL exam. Get ready for an exhilarating and transformative TOEFL journey that will set you on the path to success!

New TOEFL iBT Test Format

Test SectionTOEFL Old Format
(Effective from 2019/8/01)
TOEFL New Format
(Effective from 2023/7/26)
Reading3 passages with 30 questions
(including extra questions)
2 passages with 20 questions
(no extra questions)
Listening2 conversations, 3 lectures
(including extra questions)
2 conversations, 3 lectures
(no extra questions)
Break10-minute break in between sectionsNo mid-test break
Speaking1 independent task, 3 integrated tasks1 independent task, 3 integrated tasks
Writing1 integrated task1 integrated task, 1 academic discussion task
(10 minutes, at least 100 words)
Total Test DurationApproximately 3 hoursApproximately 2 hours

Changes Coming in July 2023:

Shorter Test Format:

One of the most notable changes is the test’s shortened format. The listening and reading sections will be reduced by 25 minutes, while the speaking and writing sections will be 15 minutes shorter. This adjustment aims to create a more efficient test-taking experience while maintaining the test’s validity and reliability.

Emphasis on Multiple-Choice Questions:

The revised TOEFL iBT will introduce more multiple-choice questions in the reading and listening sections. This alteration allows students who face challenges in reading comprehension or listening comprehension to have a better chance of earning points through well-informed guessing. While some traditionalists may worry about the shift, research has shown that well-designed multiple-choice questions can effectively assess language skills.

Redefined Skill Evaluation:

The upcoming version of the TOEFL iBT may test certain skills differently. For instance, the speaking section might place more emphasis on spontaneous responses or task completion within time limits. This reevaluation emphasizes adaptability and quick thinking, aligning with real-world language demands.

Introducing the TOEFL Essentials:

The TOEFL Essentials will replace the current TOEFL iBT as the standard for college and university admissions in America, Canada, and other English-speaking countries. This new test will be introduced in July 2023. It aims to measure English proficiency in an academic context and enhance test takers’ preparation for their academic journeys.

Preparing for the TOEFL iBT:

To excel in the TOEFL iBT, adopt these strategic steps:

  1. Practice with Sample Questions:
    Familiarize yourself with the test format and question types through practice. Focus on each section’s specific skills, such as note-taking in listening or time management in speaking.
  2. Take Practice Tests:
    Simulate the actual test environment by taking full-length practice tests. Analyze your performance to identify strengths and areas that need improvement.
  3. Utilize Online Resources:
    Leverage reputable online resources, like Magoosh’s TOEFL iBT Prep, to access a wealth of study materials, video tutorials, and expert guidance. These resources offer comprehensive preparation and can significantly boost your confidence.

Benefits of Taking the TOEFL iBT:

The TOEFL iBT carries several benefits for students and professionals alike:

  • Widely Recognized: The TOEFL iBT’s global recognition makes it a valuable asset in academic and professional pursuits.
  • University and Career Opportunities: Scoring well on the TOEFL iBT opens doors to higher education and better job prospects in English-speaking environments.
  • Credible Language Assessment: Institutions and employers trust the TOEFL iBT as a reliable measure of English language skills.

Test-Taker Resources:

Taking the TOEFL iBT is a computer-based experience, providing convenience and flexibility for test-takers. However, it is essential to familiarize yourself with available resources and support options. The official TOEFL website offers a plethora of materials, including practice questions, tutorials, sample essays, and videos.


As the TOEFL iBT evolves to meet changing language demands, preparing for the new version becomes a rewarding challenge. Embrace these forthcoming changes and seize the wealth of resources available to maximize your success in the test. For any questions or further assistance, feel free to reach out to us today!

Remember, the TOEFL iBT is not just a test; it is a stepping stone towards realizing your academic and career dreams in an English-speaking world. With diligence and preparation, you can unlock your language potential and achieve excellence in the TOEFL iBT. Contact us for more information on the TOEFL iBT changes and its impact on your future academic and career pursuits.