Introduction Enhancing your reading speed and test scores in TOEFL can be a daunting task, but with the right strategies, you can make significant progress. This guide addresses two common questions students often ask: How can I boost my reading speed? And, why aren’t my test scores improving despite extensive practice? Read on to discover effective techniques and insights to overcome these challenges.
Table of Contents
- Mastering Vocabulary and Handling Complex Sentences
- Limited Vocabulary and Reading Challenges
- The Role of Grammar in Reading Comprehension
- Tackling Complex Sentences with Confidence
- Familiarity with Subject Matter: A Key to Speed
- The Impact of Familiarity on Reading Speed
- The Word Reaction Time Difference
- Building Familiarity through Vocabulary Mastery
- Quality and Quantity: A Balancing Act for Proficiency
- Pitfalls of Quantity-Centric Practice
- Embracing Thorough Reading
- Importance of Content Absorption
- Tailored Strategies for Varying Preparation Times
- Rushed Preparation (Less than Two Months)
- Longer Preparation Window (Three Months or More)
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