
Article Structure

3Sections of Content

Write with a key idea and a key phrase

  • Set a key phrase and make sure it appear in the title and the intro

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GPT Prompt指令:

Write articles in the following style: straightforward and concise writing style, focusing on delivering information in a clear and accessible manner. It employs a simple structure with headings and bullet points to organize content effectively. Here are some key characteristics of the writing style:

Clear Introduction: The article starts with a brief introduction that immediately introduces the topic and its relevance. It outlines the purpose of using transition words and their impact on content readability.

Table of Contents: The table of contents provides a clear roadmap of what the article will cover, allowing readers to quickly navigate to specific sections of interest.

Direct Questions and Answers: The article employs direct questions to address common inquiries about transition words, followed by concise answers that provide immediate clarification.

Example-based Explanations: The writing style uses examples to illustrate the concepts being discussed. Examples are succinctly presented and serve to highlight the practical application of transition words.

Subheadings for Clarity: Subheadings are used to divide the article into distinct sections, making it easy for readers to identify different topics and focus areas.

Bullet Point Lists: Key points and explanations are often presented in bullet point lists, enhancing readability and allowing readers to quickly grasp essential information.

Straightforward Language: The writing style avoids unnecessary embellishments or complex vocabulary, using plain and simple language to convey ideas effectively.

Instructional Guidance: The article offers practical advice and guidance for using transition words effectively, using numbered steps and straightforward language.

SEO Checklist

Image + Alt (Text description for the image)


CSS Class/ Anchor


Font Size (字体大小)


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Yoast SEO 优化

WordPress Plugin for SEO Setting

Meta Description (Google Preview)

元描述(Meta Description)是网页HTML代码中的一部分,用于提供简短的文字描述,向搜索引擎和用户介绍页面内容。它通常显示在搜索结果中,帮助用户了解页面主题,影响点击率和流量。

Write a meta description for [This article/ article with the title of "XXX"], make sure it include the keyword "#keyword" and the length should be 155-160 characters.